Changing versions

Changing versions

Changing the version of your Minecraft server is a fairly simple process which involves 4 steps.

  1. Take a backup of your server, just in case something goes wrong. Makes life much easier in the long run.
  2. Stop your server.
  3. In the "Startup" tab, change the Version variable to the version you want to use.
  4. In the "Settings" tab, press Reinstall to start the update process.
  5. Start your server and run the /version command to check that the version has changed.

What Java version do I need for each version in Minecraft?

You may encounter a Java error in the console when updating a new version, this could mean that you have an incompatible Java version. To fix this, you can update your Java version or change the Java Version variable in the Settings tab to the appropriate version:

  • Java 8: Minecraft 1.8+
  • Java 11: Minecraft 1.16+
  • Java 16: Minecraft 1.17+
  • Java 17: Minecraft 1.19+

And voilà, you're done! You can now enjoy your new version of Minecraft.

If you have any questions, shoot us a message on our Discord server (opens in a new tab) or in a ticket (opens in a new tab).